Webinar: Disruptive Trends In Lighting For The Next Decade Webinar: Disruptive Trends In Lighting For The Next Decade
Last week saw a webinar hosted by Memoori with Brad Koerner from Cima explore the future of lighting.  The past decade saw incredible transformation... Webinar: Disruptive Trends In Lighting For The Next Decade

Last week saw a webinar hosted by Memoori with Brad Koerner from Cima explore the future of lighting.  The past decade saw incredible transformation in the architectural lighting sector.  LEDs and digital controls completely disrupted decades-old technology paradigms. Facing the turn of a new decade, another disruptive wave of innovation awaits, but this time building upon mature LED and digital communications technologies.

Outline of the webinar:

  •  By the year 2030, what we call “architectural lighting” will increasingly consist of embedded luminous surfaces, rich with digital content, smartly driven by data streams and responsive to our physical actions and biological needs in a space. Designers will increasingly need to become experience designers.
  • Despite growing system complexity, project coordination and on-site installation costs will be reduced via digital-twin, cloud-connected commissioning and sophisticated integration of BIM processes. And these projects will use DC-power systems to reduce consumption.

Take 25 minutes and enjoy genuine industry leader, discuss his ideas on the Future of Lighting.​

Click here to watch


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